How to Use Gift Cards in Your Social Media Ads (Free Template)

Who says the holiday season isn't the right time to kick-off solo with Social Media? We know that Q4 is going to be more difficult than usual this year due to the energy situation and continued issues with supply chains. And we know that marketing budget tends to be the first thing cut at a moment like this. Since it’s the holidays, we want to give you a little gift: this Tool Kit!

Who says the holiday season isn't the right time to kick-off solo with Social Media?

We know that Q4 is going to be more difficult than usual this year due to the energy situation and continued issues with supply chains. And we know that marketing budget tends to be the first thing cut at a moment like this. Since it’s the holidays, we want to give you a little gift: this Tool Kit!

So what's in the Black Friday/Christmas Campaign Tool Kit?

In this full-service download, you'll find templates for planning, running, and reporting a successful Black Friday or Christmas social media campaign that not only increases awareness of your center’s gift card program, but also helps you grow your GDPR compliant mailing list. In fact, the reporting template is already optimised for campaigns running between November 1st and November 25th, or through December 31st if you go for a Christmas campaign.

And the best part? It makes use of data you already have in MyPortal / the Extranet.

The only thing we don't tell you how to do is budget: that's something that's between you and your centre team. But trust us: you don't need to break the bank to have big results! With less than €1000 (gift card load + ads budget), you'd be amazed what kind of awareness and mailing list growth you can achieve.

Need a refresher on Social Media before you start planning for Black Friday or Christmas? Check out our back-to-basics blog 'How to Kick-Start Your Social Media'


Happy Holidays!

Love, Team Giftify




Download the Black Friday / Christmas Tool Kit


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